Hampshire County Retirement System

How do I get an estimate of my benefits?

If you are within 3 years of retirement... Contact us by email (info@hampshireretirementma.org) or phone (413-584-9100). We will calculate and send you an estimate projected to your proposed date(s) of retirement based on your current average salary and with the assumption that you will continue working in the same capacity until your projected retirement date.

If you are more than 3 years from retirement... You can use the group/estimate charts provided below to get a quick estimate of the percent of average salary you will be eligible for based on age and service at retirement.

If you do not know what group your position is classified as... you are probably Group 1. Group 2 & 4 positions are specifically named in the law. See Group Classification.

If your membership date is prior to April 1, 2012 use these charts:

If your membership date is on or after April 1, 2012, use these charts:

Appears in: General FAQ , Active Members