Hampshire County Retirement System

About Hampshire Retirement

The Massachusetts Public Employee Pension Plan is a 401(a) Defined Benefit Plan established by MGL Chapter 32 and further regulated by the Commonwealth's Public Employee Retirement Administration Commission (PERAC). MGL Chapter 32 is administered by the State Retirement Board (SRB) for State employees, by the Mass Teachers Retirement Board (MTRB) for all Massachusetts teachers, and is administered by a regional or local retirement system for county or regional employees, municipal employees and employees of local districts and authorities.

The Hampshire County Retirement System (HCRS) administers a Regional Massachusetts Public Employee Pension Plan for the local government employers within the boundaries of Hampshire County (except for the cities of Northampton and Easthampton).

Board Mission Statement

Board Mission Statement
To provide stewardship and financial integrity of the pension trust fund for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits guaranteed by Massachusetts General Laws, Chapter 32 to the members and beneficiaries of the Hampshire County Retirement System.

Board Duties

  1. Trustees- Hold and manage funds in trust for the sole purpose of providing retirement benefits to the members and their beneficiaries as provided for by the Massachusetts Retirement Law - M.G.L. Chapter 32.
  2. Fiduciaries - Duty to invest funds prudently to insure funding will be available to pay promised benefits. Duty to act in and protect the best interest of the members and beneficiaries of the pension fund.
  3. Administration - 1) Collect and invest member contributions and employer appropriations; 2) Advocate for and assist members and beneficiaries in understanding, filing for, and receiving all benefits entitled to by law; and 3) Disburse benefit payments to retirees and beneficiaries.

Goals and Objectives

To provide professional, prudent, and efficient administration of the Hampshire County Retirement System in order to ensure that every eligible member and beneficiary receives the correct pension benefit in full and on time.

Annual Statements (PERAC)

Name Uploaded Date
   Annual Statement 2023.pdf 2024-07-18 09:47:10
   Annual Statement 2022.pdf 2024-07-18 09:47:22
   Annual Statement 2021.pdf 2022-04-14 15:42:22
   Annual Statement 2020.pdf 2021-11-12 13:33:27
   Annual Statement 2019.pdf 2020-05-20 11:23:24
   Annual Statement 2018.pdf 2019-04-17 16:16:18
   Annual Statement 2017.pdf 2018-05-11 15:46:34
   Annual Statement 2016.pdf 2018-01-25 17:30:19
   Annual Statement 2015.pdf 2018-01-25 17:29:20
   Annual Statement 2014.pdf 2018-01-25 17:28:17
   Annual Statement 2013.pdf 2018-01-25 17:26:05
   Annual Statement 2012.pdf 2018-01-25 17:24:04
   Annual Statement 2011.pdf 2018-01-25 17:22:17
   Annual Statement 2010.pdf 2018-01-25 17:20:56